Posts Tagged ‘necklaces


Summer crocheted scarves and necklaces

wow, such a difficult mission to sit down in front of the PC in summertime!

but in the other hand I found myself doing lots of accesories in a season I have called of “explosion of creativity”…

looking on my stash I saw a lot of flowers (yes I love them)  and I did these two necklaces… one of them can be used as a headband (I think the other one is more difficult due to the two pom-poms but maybe if you like extravagancies…)

anasousa- crocheted necklaces

Then I also had made these pieces in crochet I wanted to use for  another project, but I thought it was nice to use them as borders for these scarves… and if you see it is the same motif, but they have very different styles.. one of them more romantic and the other one is a very risky one… I didn’t think of please anyone, just to combine colors, and to my surprise people appreciated a lot… and it was on Etsy’s frontpage… oh yeah! 😉

anasousa- scarves

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